Welcome to Guesthouse Macesen

Welcome to Guesthouse Macesen

“This will be a big yellow painting. The sun will shine out of it as it shines over its true home, the village of Sorica. In the painting, a soft breeze will gently blow; just the kind that sweeps the slopes. The smell of tree resin that pervades the painting will seem most realistic. This big and rugged landscape is no longer just a beautiful and happy sweetheart; these are the colours of her soul.”*

Janez Kajzer uses these words to depict the creative enthusiasm of Ivan Grohar who, with colours on canvas, catches the warm summer light and a larch - the strong tree that became a symbol of Sorica. Depicting a lonely tree, one of the Grohar’s most imminent works of art, Macesen (Larch) represents a symbolic self-portrait of the artist:

“When Ivan examines the tree with the eyes of a painter who is interested solely in colours and the composition of the future painting, he sees himself in the solitary tree. He, too, grew up in solitude and lives now alone as well. He, too, was not spared the harshness in life. But just as the tree, he still stands tall. They are both alive, they both fight to go on.”

Sorica with the wide larch hills and Ivan Grohar’s art have given the tree a special significance. And that is where we found the name of our inn.

*taken from Janez Kajzer’s book Macesen. Roman o Ivanu Groharju (Larch: A novel about Ivan Grohar)


